Student Dormitories and Canteen belong among the organisational parts of the Technical University in Zvolen.
We provide
• Student accommodation
• Meals for students, employees and guests of the University
• Meals for students, employees and guests of the University
About the Student Dormitories and Canteen
• Bariny Dormitories
• Dormitories of L. Stur
• Dormitories of L. Stur
The mission of the Student Dormitories and Canteen is to provide good quality accommodation for students of the Technical University in Zvolen. Within its business activities, the Student Dormitories and Canteen provide accommodation for guests and the public mainly during the summer holidays.
Študentský domov a jedáleňpri Technickej univerzite vo Zvolene
Ul. T. G. Masaryka 24
960 01 Zvolen
Slovenská republika
+421-45-5206 604
+421-45-5206 630